As a resident of Denbighshire in 2015, I am frequently amazed and bewildered by the decisions being taken by my local council. But before I discuss the various decisions, let me first draw your attention to the manner with which they are being made. Under the existing constitution of my local council (last amended on December 9th 2014), it is defined very clearly that our elected County Councillors are obliged to promote active citizenship (among other things). So what exactly is meant by active citizenship? If you take to the internet, you will be none the wiser as a plethora of suggestions confront you. I know how I would interpret it but I may be wrong. It sounds to me as though it is calling for members of the public to become more active in their dealings with their local County Councillors. Hence, active citizens. But this just illustrates one of the main flaws in the current system. I doubt if anyone knows what this means so it is therefore questionable why my local council ...