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Ratty, Mole and Toad go to Westminster

Dressed in his old Etonian flannels, the affable Rat was punting up the river with his Fortnum and Mason hamper in tow taking in the fragrant, soft spring air. After a lifetime underground forgotten by everybody, the soft skinned Mole had finally come to the surface feeling all confused. The all knowing Rat soon recognised the advantages of taking the helpless Mole under his wing. The Mole was just grateful to be among the important people above ground.

After a while they saw a very grand punt going past them and Mole asked the rat who the person was on that very grand looking vessel. "That is Mr. Toad", replied Rat. He is very wealthy but always spends in excess of his income. That punt for instance cost him a fortune but word on the river has it that he is taking delivery of a new motor car on Saturday and he hasn't yet paid for that punt!

"Oh dear", said the agreeable Mole. "It will all end in tears", said the knowing Rat. After a succession of imprudent purchases, the profligate Toad soon found himself in the debtors prison and while there, his beloved Toad Hall had been taken over by a load of rowdy, free loading jingoistic stoats and weasels. Their leader Nigel was a most disagreeable chap who seemed to be popular with just about everyone despite him being a bit of a lout. With their old friend Rupert the grumpy antipodean Badger, the Rat and the Mole resolved to run Toad Hall while Toad was away in disgrace.

But the wasteful Toad was soon back and insisted on returning to Toad Hall. He immediately announced several grandiose plans for the future but was swiftly put in his place by his trio of friends; the trusty Old Etonian Rat, the ever willing Mole and the grouchy Badger from the Southern hemisphere. They all realised that hey just couldn't take their eye off that roguish Toad for a second or he'd spend all the money and once more have nothing to show for it.


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