Listening to "Thought for the day" on the Today programme yesterday morning, I was reminded of the Catholic principle of subsidiarity. Put simply, subsidiarity is an organsing principle which states that matters ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest or least centralised competent authority. The Oxford English dictionary defines it thus: "The idea that a central authority should have a subsidiary function, performing only those tasks which can not be performed more effectively at a more immediate or local level". Apologies for the rather wordy introduction but it makes you think doesn't it? Only this week, North Wales was treated to another example of subsidiarity being badly needed. This time, the story relates to Anglesey County Council. Like all other councils up and down the land, Anglesey has had to find huge savings in it's budget while at the same time putting up council tax by 4.5% - far higher than the current rate of inflation. An Anglesey c...